about grooming

Start them early

One of the biggest concerns with a new dog is training: "sit," "stay" and "no barking" are just a few of the commands dog owners hope their pets will master. Grooming shouldn't be any different. That's why it's so important to start your pup young and be consistent. "We always recommend that if you have a new puppy, and you're able to, start at an early age and get them comfortable," she says. "And if you adopt an older pet and they haven't experienced a bath, [give them treats] in the tub and let them know it's a positive experience before even turning on the water."




professional grooming


Full Groom Bundle- Bath, blow dry, sanitary trim, nails, glands, ears cleaned (plucking if necessary), coat brushing, cologne, a complementary bow or bandana, and a complete haircut.

Tidy Up Bundle -Bath, blow dry, sanitary trim, nails, glands, ears cleaned (plucking if necessary), coat brushing, cologne, a complementary bow or bandana, trimming the feet and face. ( This does not include any body clipping)

Bath Bundle - Bath, blow dry, nails, glands, ears cleaned (plucking if necessary), coat brushing, cologne, and a complementary bow or bandana

Free Grooming Consultation- We offer free consultation on the preventaive grooming care your pet will need. Brushing, bathing, nails, ears, and skin care you can be aware of between grooming sessions. This knowledge can help prevent many coat and skin problems that may arise when not kept up. Many groomers make you feel terrible when you bring your pet in matted, when no one ever told you how to take care of it at home. We're here to help you and your pet to make grooming a positive experience, not a scolding. Come and talk to us and we'll take the time for you.



  • Nail Trims
  • Nail Filing
  • Conditioning
  • Special Shampoo
  • Flea & Tick Bath
  • High quality shampoos
  • Ears cleaned and plucked,
  • Breed appropriate styling
  • Clipper cuts
  • Hand scissor finishing
  • Teeth Brushing
  • Glands
  • Cologne


Call us for current prices.




special notice

Caring for your pet

"One big mistake I see pet parents make is neglecting to comb their pet before a bath. It is super-important that people do this, because whatever tangles the pet might have, if they get wet, that makes them hard to dry, and then when they do dry, their fur cinches up." Whether they're canine or feline, be sure to run a comb or brush through their fur before they’re cleaned to get rid of any tangles.